Friday, August 7, 2009


  1. Diana or Ferrania? I'm dying to see how that is working out for you.

  2. Oh Philip! I SOOO owe you some posted photos. I just don't have the hang of the Ferrania yet though, and I want the ones I post to be pretty! You can really tell the difference between the two because the Ferrania doesn't have any of the darkness at the corners at all. I just got some back on Friday and will post some of those soon. I will. I must. Even if I'm not satisfied with them yet!

  3. So, just send them to me then. I'd love to see what you are doing with it and have a discussion about what you feel is missing. I love geeking out on that stuff.

  4. Love the low clouds and red bag. Even the sky limits her and the things we collect may outlast us.
